Cheap COD, GTA, GT7, and Red Dead, Stellar Space Exploration Genre Specials, and More!

Welcome to a Tuesday teeming with wonderful gaming deals and (in a minute) an important quarter-century celebration. Today is a pretty even mix of best preorder prices on the hottest stuff just around the corner and slightly older things that you never should have ignored. This being said, that tactic sure worked out well for you in the money department, o' Patient One. So kudos!

In retro news, I’m celebrating the 25th birthday of Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition. Though I had already played the absolute cartridge pins off Blue the year previous, I was powerless to resist this Pokémon the Series-inspired rejig of the originals. Mostly because it had everybody’s favourite electro-rat as a companion (plus distorted soundbites!), and I heard this version would also let me use a Game Boy Printer to generate a Diploma for catchin’ ‘em all. Incidentally, I still very much plan to export said credentials and use it on my resume to prove that I’m the very best (like no one ever was).

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

- Pokémon Yellow (GB) 1999. Redux

- Shadow Man (N64) 1999. Redux

- Mario Party 3 (N64) 2001. Sequels

- WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party! (GC) 2004. Sequels

- Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP) 2009. Redux

- Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny (PSP) 2009. Sequel

- Velocity 2X (PSV/4) 2014. Get

Table of Contents

Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch

Expiring Recent Deals

Or gift a Nintendo eShop Card.

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Purchase Cheap for PC

Expiring Recent Deals

Or just get a Steam Wallet Card.

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Exciting Bargains for Xbox

Expiring Recent Deals

Or just invest in an Xbox Card.

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Pure Scores for PlayStation

Expiring Recent Deals

Or purchase a PS Store Card.

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Legit LEGO Deals

Expiring Recent Deals

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The Top 10 Games in Australia

(According to IGEA and Game Sales Data.)

W/E: Aug 25

  1. Borderlands 3
  2. New Tales Borderlands
  3. GTA V
  4. Rainbow Six Siege
  5. Borderlands GOTY
  6. Mafia: Trilogy
  7. Minecraft
  8. Madden NFL 25
  9. Monster Hunter Rise
  10. Hogwarts Legacy

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.
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